• Question: is the corona virus something to worry about

    Asked by anon-238732 to James, Hannah, Claire, Chris, binuraj, Alice on 11 Mar 2020. This question was also asked by anon-238736.
    • Photo: Binuraj Menon

      Binuraj Menon answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      HI dat_boi,

      Yes this is one of the major health problem we are currently facing with. The number of deaths and infections are larger than any other recent infections. We do have to worry a lot about this and this is why WHO has declared it as the global health emergency.

    • Photo: Hannah Blyth

      Hannah Blyth answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      The coronavirus is something to be taken very seriously, you should follow the advice of healthcare professionals. To protect yourself and others around you it is important to wash your hands thoroughly using soap, to avoid touching your face and when sneezing cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow (it sort of looks like dabbing) or a tissue.
