• Question: Do you have any ideas on how we can get control of the Coronavirus and keep people safe from it?

    Asked by anon-238742 to James, Hannah, Claire, Chris, Alice on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Hannah Blyth

      Hannah Blyth answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      I urge everyone to follow the advice of healthcare professionals to wash your hands thoroughly using soap, to avoid touching your face and when sneezing cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow (it sort of looks like dabbing) or a tissue. As a researcher of a plant infecting fungus, human infecting viruses are a bit out of my zone. Because of that, and how easily misinformation spreads, I hope you can understand and respect why I do not feel I should answer questions on the coronavirus. If you are looking for information the World Health Organization (WHO) has a Q&A section on coronaviruses, or ‘Science Made Simple UK’ put out an interview with a scientist who studies human viruses (“Coronavirus made simple” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEHg30SlKtM).
