• Question: can plants spread the coronavirus

    Asked by anon-238747 to Hannah, James, Claire, Chris, binuraj, Alice on 9 Mar 2020. This question was also asked by anon-238726.
    • Photo: Hannah Blyth

      Hannah Blyth answered on 9 Mar 2020: last edited 9 Mar 2020 5:34 pm

      There are viruses that can infect plants, however, none are known to be able to infect animals or humans. As a result, I think it is unlikely that a human infecting virus can be spread through plants. BUT I am not a virologist and I do not want to potentially spread misinformation. If you would like to know more about the coronavirus try this video by ‘Science Made Simple UK’ which is an interview with a scientist who studies human viruses (“Coronavirus made simple” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEHg30SlKtM).

    • Photo: Binuraj Menon

      Binuraj Menon answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      Hi troopark,

      Hannah has already given you a very good answer. Nothing more to add into that.
