Thank you from your winner, Binuraj

Students! Help us decide which scientists and engineers should take part in the next event, and you could win a voucher. All you need to do is take 2 minutes now to judge these 12 sentences.

It was an amazing feeling and a great pleasure to know that you have voted and selected me to be a winner of Copernicium Zone! My little one was very happy and excited to hear that I will be using the prize money for science engagement with school students.

Over the last two weeks, I was enjoying this opportunity to interact with all of you. I had engaged with many bright students and was challenged by several thought provoking questions. It was a great experience that also helped me to detach myself from work and to rewind my journey as a small kid to being a scientist.

During the chat sessions, I was very curious to know how many of you actually wanted to be a scientist. The answer to that was very overwhelming. Take a look at the diverse profiles of scientists who contributed to the discussions; like James (Mechanical Engineer), Hannah (Plant Pathologist), Claire (Material chemist), Chris (Research Grant Reviewer), Alice (Structural Biologist) and myself (Synthetic Biologist), the opportunities are enormous. You could be like any of us, or even follow a modern scientific path through your career.

Of course, it is not an easy ride to be a scientist. Every moment you have to fuel yourself with passion, curiosity and perseverance. My advice is to stay focussed and chase your dreams. Never give up! Remember, it is not a rat race! You shouldn’t miss on any opportunity to relax or transfer your knowledge and experience to others. Knowledge is power but knowledge without action is useless.

Once again, I would like to thank you all, I’m a Scientist team, STFC for the funding and all other amazing scientists who participated with me in this zone.


Posted on March 25, 2020 by modem in News. Leave a comment

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